My Top 22 Travel Essentials


Now that the world is opening up again, a lot of people are traveling. I myself love to travel to see friends and visit new places. Something about flying by yourself gives main character vibes, am I right!?

Whether you’re traveling by plane, car, train, or bus, there are essential items you’re going to need. I’m going to be sharing my top 22 essential items that I always have with me wherever I travel!

Top 22 Travel Essentials

1. Snacks

Y’all know this was gonna be at the top of my list. I don’t pack snacks because I’m afraid of eating “unhealthy” or having things that I like. I’m not picky, I just never want to become too hungry.

When most people get too hungry, they lose touch with their fullness cues and tend to overeat. Nothing wrong with overeating, but it’s not always the most comfortable. You also never know when you’ll have a flight delay, run into traffic, etc. Some of my favorite snacks to have on hand are trail mix and some type of protein bar.

2. Reusable water bottle

I don’t go anywhere without my Hydroflask (literally anywhere). It’s great to bring some type of reusable bottle when you travel so that you can fill it up wherever you are and not have to worry about buying a $5 water bottle at the airport. A lot of airports have water stations to refill your bottle which is handy!

3. Eye mask

Eye masks are great for whether you’re on a plane and want to rest or are sleeping somewhere unfamiliar. I sleep with an eye mask every night, even at home. Nothing worse than waking up earlier than you have to because of the sun.

4. Wireless earphones

Long travel days call for lots of podcasts and music. I love my Air Pods, but any earphones will work!

5. Clear makeup bag

I like using a clear bag because you can see everything in it and you can bring it in your carry-on if you’re flying. Target has a great makeup bag that I love to travel with!

6. Travel sized bottles

This is another item I purchased at Target for flying. I got a kit with a few mini travel-sized bottles for shampoo, face wash, and my leave-in conditioner. If you’re not checking a bag, this is a great way to bring your favorite products with you!

7. Feminine hygiene products

I love that I get to write this one, because for so long I didn’t have to. More on how I got my period back, here. You never know when dearest Aunt Flo could pop up, and you don’t want it to be when you’re not prepared.


8. Vaseline & Chapstick

There’s nothing worse than having chapped lips and no chapstick around. Every night I put vaseline on my lips and use chapstick multiple times a day. Can’t go without it!

9. Hand sanitizer

Especially during COVID times, hand sanitizer is a must. Trader Joe’s has a great lavender spray hand sanitizer that smells amazing and doesn’t leave a weird feeling on your hands.

10. Downloaded podcasts

The last time I was on a plane, I had a bunch of podcasts ready, but none were actually downloaded. Make sure you actually download them before you leave so they’ll play on airplane mode!

11. Fully charged phone

Keep your phone on the charger up until the minute you have to leave. Prevent any unnecessary stress from this…but don’t forget to grab the charger, too!

12. Spinner suitcase

I love my spinner suitcase because it’s so easy to get around. Especially if you’re traveling by yourself and have to bring your suitcase in the restroom, this is great.

13. Sleep supplements

Sleeping in a new place can be tricky. I like to bring something to help me sleep in case I need it such as Melatonin, Valerian Root, or my CBD drops.

14. A clear schedule

This isn’t a physical item, but it’s something that’s big for me. I like to get all my work done before I leave so that I can be fully present and enjoy my vacation. This isn’t always possible for everyone, but try to do this whenever you can!

15. Laptop

In the case where I still have some work to do while traveling, I always bring my laptop. Especially if you have flight delays, it’s really nice to have your laptop with you to work on.

16. Skincare

Traveling isn’t always the nicest to our skin, between the food, alcohol, and just change in schedule. It’s important to stick to your normal skincare routine so that you don’t have to worry about any random breakouts.

17. Concealer

Since breakouts are sometimes unavoidable, it’s always good to have concealer on hand. Even if I don’t wear any other makeup, this is a must for me if I have some sneaky pimples.

18. Hair ties & clips

I wear my hair up a lot, so hair ties and clips are definitely making this list. Bring extra in case you need to lend some to a friend or break one (because we’ve all been there).

19. Comfy shoes

Make sure you bring shoes that you know you can actually walk in when you’re traveling. I’ve been far too many places in uncomfortable shoes and have regretted it. Comfy shoes can be cute, too! I love my Birkenstocks or Adidas sneakers.

20. Band aids

If your shoes do give you blisters or you cut yourself by accident, it’s great to have band aids handy. They have been put to good use by me far too many times.

21. Gum

I love bringing gum on planes to prevent my ears from popping and to just make sure I have good breath. It can’t hurt having some on hand after a garlic-filled meal out!

22. Fun earrings

Last but not least! I love accessorizing with earrings, especially when I wear my hair up. Some of my favorite places to get fun earrings are Ana Luisa, Danae, and Francesca’s.

Hopefully this list helps you if you’re packing for a trip or planning on traveling in the future!


Mary Weiss

My name is Mary and I am a senior at Drexel University studying nutrition. I am a lover of all foods, Certified Barre Instructor and yoga-fanatic. I created this page to share healthy and easy recipe ideas for anyone. Anyone can benefit from these recipes, from college students, to children, to those with dietary restrictions. I hope you enjoy!

July 21, 2021