Real Talk: How I Got My Period Back Naturally

I truly cannot believe that I am actually writing this blog post. I’ve dreamed about writing this or saying out loud that I’ve got my period back for years!

I am going to be sharing why I lost my period, why it’s a problem, and how I got my period back naturally after 4 years.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a health care professional. This is what worked for me, but it may not work for you. If you do not have a period, I highly recommend working with your OBGYN and a registered dietitian.


What is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea?

The official condition that involves the loss of menstruation is called hypothalamic amenorrhea, or HA for short. HA results from an issue in the hypothalamus that causes you to not get a period for months or years.

There are many reasons why someone could lose their period due to HA. Some of the most common causes are excessive exercise, not eating enough food, stress, or a combination of any of those factors. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that your body is STRESSED OUT.

Think of it this way…when you’re not eating enough, your body is essentially in survival mode. It’s not getting enough energy, so all the energy it is getting, it’s giving to vital functions, like breathing. The last thing your body is going to want to spend energy on is menstruating, so why even bother?!

Just know, not getting a period, is NOT normal.


Why I Lost my Period

A little background. I got my first period when I was in sixth or seventh grade, which is pretty average. Growing up as a dancer, I was always extremely active. I would miss a month here and there, but it was always pretty regular.

When I got to college in 2016, I was a dance major and working out a lot more than usual due to my class schedule (read more on that, here). I was dancing around 30 hours a week and barely had time for a lunch break, so it’s no wonder my body was going through a shock.

My period stopped in the middle of my freshman year, but I didn’t think much of it. I assumed I would get it back anytime and be totally fine.

Summer of 2017, I completed the Whole 30 diet (oof), started HIIT training, and did not have a good relationship with my food or body. I have a whole blog post explaining my relationship with food that I’ll link to, here. All in all, I lost a total of around 25 pounds.

I know that I want children in my future, which couldn’t happen if I didn’t get a period. Some other negative side effects of not getting a period are an increased risk of osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances.

That summer, I totally stopped exercising and really increased my food intake. My body gained most of the weight I lost back, but still no period.

Once I got to Drexel in 2018, I began exercising and dancing again. I was in such a good place and loving school. A few days after my 22nd birthday in November 2019, I woke up to my first natural period in almost 4 years. I seriously almost cried. I’ve now had 7 consecutive periods, and I’m going to tell you how.


Tips for Getting Your Period Back

I want to note that once you get your period back, you can’t just “stop” doing these things. It’s one thing to get your period back, but it’s another thing to have it stay. Keep consistent with these tips even when you get your period back!

When I first got my period back, I would get it every 3 months. I stuck with these tips, and now I get it every month. Consistency is key.

1. Increase your energy intake

Probably the most important part of getting your period back is to increase your energy intake. I totally understand that weight gain can be terrifying, but it’s so necessary to get your period back.

If you’re not getting a period, you’re most likely not at your set point weight. I began eating a lot more food, which did lead to some weight gain. I’ll link to some blog posts that could help with the fear of gaining weight: Thinner Does Not Equal Happier & “Skinny” is Not a Compliment.

Just know that I was the least happy with my life when I was the thinnest. I hated taking pictures, was constantly cold, and always in a bad mood. Personally, I would take the nervousness of weight gain any day than going back to that point in my life.

2. Cut back on high-intensity exercise

If you’ve looked up how to get your period back, I’m sure you’ve seen people say that you need to stop all exercise.

I did this for a summer, but it just wasn’t realistic for my life anymore to stop exercising since I was beginning to dance again. I definitely think that you need to put a break on high-intensity exercise since that can cause major stress on the body. We’re trying to lower stress here.

You absolutely can cut out all exercise if you want, but I do think that it’s unrealistic for most people. Some gentler forms of movement I recommend are walking, Pilates, yoga, barre, or even lifting weights.

When I got my period back, I was still exercising. But instead of forcing myself to do HIIT workouts every day, I incorporate more walking, Pilates, and barre. I still do high-intensity movement, just not as much.

3. Stress reduction

Stress reduction is SO IMPORTANT. I’m a very stressed and high-strung person, so this is a tough one for me.

I honestly think that increasing my food intake and just not being so hung up on food all the time reduced my stress. Now, I’m incorporating more deep breathing and meditation in my life to further reduce my stress.

4. Include all foods

If you don’t have any dietary restrictions, I highly recommend not cutting out any food groups. I cut out gluten and dairy for a while, which really reduced my food intake.

Now, I do not restrict anything. I really think that this is key to getting your period back because you’re reducing stress by not freaking out about not eating specific foods, and you’re also increasing your energy intake.

Eating out

5. Carbs & fat!!

If you don’t have your period and are restricting your foods, you’re probably restricting carbs and fat.

I’ve increased my carbohydrate intake a lot. Your body loves carbs and it’s the primary source of energy that is the easiest to be broken down. Instead of cauliflower rice, go for the real deal!

Don’t underestimate the power of fats! They are amazing for our hormones, which we are trying to work on here. They’re also caloric dense, which is great for increasing energy intake. Just adding a spoonful of peanut butter to your oatmeal, flaxseed in your smoothie or extra avocado to your toast can do wonders.

6. Don’t rely on birth control

I’m not going to get too into birth control, but just know that this is not the solution. My OBGYN put me on birth control to “get my period back,” but that’s didn’t fix the root cause.

Yes, you will bleed when you’re on birth control, but it’s not natural. It’s kind of like putting a bandaid on a cut that needs stitches. It’s not going to work.

7. Be patient

Please, be patient. Getting your period back does not happen overnight. For me, I didn’t get my period back until nearly 2 years after I began actively trying.

You can definitely get it back sooner, but it does take time. Do not give up because I promise that it is so worth it for your health to have a period.

I hope that this has been helpful if you are not getting a period and are looking for tips to get it back. It’s hard, but so worth it when the day finally comes.


Mary Weiss

My name is Mary and I am a senior at Drexel University studying nutrition. I am a lover of all foods, Certified Barre Instructor and yoga-fanatic. I created this page to share healthy and easy recipe ideas for anyone. Anyone can benefit from these recipes, from college students, to children, to those with dietary restrictions. I hope you enjoy!

December 15, 2021