I Don’t Want To Be “That Girl”

If you’re on Tiktok, you know what “that girl” is. It seems that every time I’m scrolling, I’ll see at least one video of a “that girl” morning or night routine, and how to become more like this mysterious person.

I want to tell you, and I’m going to keep telling you, it’s okay to not be or even want to be “that girl.” You don’t need to do a million and one things before 8AM to be a happy, productive, and healthy person.

That girl

Who is “That Girl?”

So who exactly is “that girl?” It’s actually no one in specific, but an ideal of a girl who (quote on quote) has her life together, eats healthy, and someone that everyone should aspire to be like. Here are some examples of habits that are typically included in a that girl routine:

  • Waking up before 7AM
  • No phone 1 hour before and after bed
  • Staying in on the weekends instead of going out
  • Cooking at home to eat healthier
  • Working out 5-6 times/week
  • Not drinking alcohol

Now I want to state, that none of the habits I listed above are bad. It’s perfectly okay if you enjoy waking up early, cooking at home, or working out during the week. I honestly do most of the things on that list! The problem with the whole “that girl” aesthetic is that it can make you feel poorly about yourself if you don’t adopt these habits.

That girl

The Problem With Being “That Girl”

What if you don’t want to be that girl? This is something that I’ve been struggling with a lot lately. I see these videos of people staying in on the weekends, working out all the time, eating super “clean,” and I’m not going to lie, I compare myself. How could you not?

I’ve always been more of an introvert, and definitely enjoy staying in most of the time. My weeknights are ALWAYS for me, and I rarely ever go out those nights. When it comes to the weekends, I am ready to go out and enjoy myself! A lot of the videos I see of “that girl” include not drinking on the weekends and staying in instead.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. I’ve been there and definitely have these weekends! BUT there is also nothing wrong if you enjoy going out on the weekends and don’t go to 7AM work out classes and farmers markets. Not going to lie, I really enjoy having some drinks on the weekends and going out with my friends, even if it doesn’t fit this specific aesthetic. AND, I’m actually quite sick of feeling bad for this because it’s not what “that girl” does on Tiktok.

Am I any less of a person or any less “healthy” because of this? Absolutely not. There’s no way that each person can fit into this mold. Maybe there are people that do everything on the list I mentioned earlier and are perfectly happy. For most people, it’s going to look different depending on what you like.

I also want to point out that every “that girl” I’ve seen is thin and white. This is again just promoting an unrealistic standard for so many people, while continuing to idealize thin privilege and fuel fat phobia.

It’s just not a realistic life when it comes down to it. Yes, I would ideally love to stay off my phone, eat more vegetables, etc, but it’s just not realistic for my lifestyle. I’m in my last year of college, and I enjoy sleeping in when I can, going out to eat, drinking margaritas, and dancing at bars. And guess what, I’m perfectly fine with that because it’s what makes ME happy. If doing those things don’t make me “that girl,” then I’m totally cool with that.

How to Incorporate New Habits

What if you want to adopt some of the habits that are included in being “that girl?” I totally feel you and get it, because I’m right there with you!

There are absolutely ways to incorporate these habits into your life that won’t change your day-to-day living or compromise your happiness. Waking up earlier, being physically active, and eating your greens have proven health benefits that can improve your health. Let’s think of some ways to include them in your life.

The key to finding new healthy habits is not setting rules around it, and seeing how it makes your body feel. At least for me, when I tell myself I have to do something everyday or for a certain amount of days, it becomes restrictive. For example, I don’t want to tell myself that I can only drink on Saturday nights, and stay in on Friday nights. This honestly happens pretty organically most weekends, but it’s because I want to, not because I have to.

You don’t have to do anything. You get to do something. Let’s say you do want to become more physically active for your health. Awesome! Instead of saying that you have to workout 5 days a week, maybe you want to be physically active most days of the week. This can look like taking a walk, doing a gentle Pilates flow, or lifting weights. So you really can’t “mess up” since there are no rules.

You can totally wake up early, cook at home, and stay off your phone if that’s what makes you happy. You can also go out and do some green tea shots and be perfectly happy! BUT, you can also do both and live a perfectly healthy life. “That girl” isn’t a real thing.

Living a good life is not black and white. Some days you’re going to want to stay in, and some days you’re gonna want to dance at the club. Find what you enjoy and don’t feel bad for choosing happiness.


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Mary Weiss

My name is Mary and I am a senior at Drexel University studying nutrition. I am a lover of all foods, Certified Barre Instructor and yoga-fanatic. I created this page to share healthy and easy recipe ideas for anyone. Anyone can benefit from these recipes, from college students, to children, to those with dietary restrictions. I hope you enjoy!