All About Your Higher Self

Have you ever heard of the term, “higher self?” I first heard it when I got into manifestation, but had no idea what it meant.

I’m going to tell you what exactly your higher self is, how to utilize it, and when it can become harmful.

Higher self

What is Your Higher Self?

So what exactly is your higher self? The way that I like to think about it is that your higher self is who you aspire to be in the future. It is unlocking the characteristics within yourself that will enhance your life in the present moment based on the future.

The concept of a higher self goes along with manifestation and spirits. I began incorporating manifestation into my life last year. When I wanted to learn more about it, I listened to Tori DeSimmone’s Podcast where she explained what exactly your higher self is (highly recommended).

You are your higher self. Always connected. Your higher self is the best version of yourself that we are striving to reach for.


How to Utilize it

The way that I like to use the concept of higher self is to drive my current behaviors to what my future self would be doing. Let me give you an example.

I am currently a senior in college and am working as a dog walker to earn some extra money. I know that my higher self is a successful dietitian who owns her own private practice and is very comfortable financially. Since I know that about my future, I am working now, in the present moment, to be financially responsible.

These are the manifestations I have set forward in my life that I know will come. In order to achieve this higher self, I need to start acting like it now. If your higher self is financially responsible, that is a sign to start being conscious of your money, TODAY.

We as humans are able to speak and manifest things into existence. If you want money to come to you freely and openly, you need to bring that into your life.

Think of yourself in 5 or 10 years from now. Think of what you want to be doing, where you want to be, and what your ideal life would look like. If you wake up early to meditate in the mornings, start doing that now.

It’s never too early to take baby steps in that direction to help you be as happy as you can. Just be careful not to think that once you achieve that “higher self” you will finally be “happy.”

Our higher self is not a static being. Just as we are constantly changing and growing, so is our higher self. Maybe my higher self right now is financially stable and living in Philadelphia, but in 5 years my higher self may want to be living in Texas. Do you see what I mean?

Try not to get too rigid with this concept. It’s more of a tool to motivate and excite you. Don’t get stuck on one perfect life for yourself, because the perfect life doesn’t exist.

Higher self

When it Can Become a Problem

Now I’m a huge fan of the concept of higher self because I think that it can drive people to be the best version of themselves. But I also have some issues with it.

When I was listening to Tori’s podcast, she talked a lot about how her higher self eats healthy and dresses nice, so she’s going to start eating healthy and dressing up in the present day. Nothing wrong with that, but I do think that it can be a little triggering and unrealistic for a lot of people. Myself included.

Let’s say that in an ideal world, you would love to be vegan, eat nothing but plants, and have a body size that is just not healthy for your body. Just because you “want” those things, doesn’t mean that it’s right for you.

You may think that your higher self looks a certain way, so that can drive a variety of unhealthy behaviors to begin in order to achieve that. If you want to be 20 pounds thinner because you think you should, you may get into a destructive restrict/binge cycle.

If you don’t want to dress up one day, do not force yourself. I have been really into my sweatpants and sweatshirts lately since we’re all home for the most part. I know that in my future, I’m not going to go to work in sweatpants, but guess what, we’re not there yet.

Don’t force yourself into unrealistic or obsessive behaviors because you think you should. If you know that you could be doing more or doing better, that’s where your higher self comes in, in a realistic manner.


Tips for Unlocking Your Higher Self

If you want to channel your higher self but have no idea how to, follow these tips:

1. Meditate

Meditation is HARD. My mind is constantly moving in a million different directions, but that just needs I need to meditate that much more.

When I do meditate, my mind instantly feels clearer. If this is something that you think is possible for you, I would definitely recommend it. It gives you time to clear your head and picture how you can be your best self.

2. Journal your ideal life (realistically)

I am loving journaling right now. I usually just brain dump and write down what I’m thinking, but I want you to try something else…

Grab a journal and describe everything about your life in 5 years. Think of what job you’ll have, if you’re married (but you can totally be single and rock it), if you have children, and where you’re living.

Get super-specific. I would just encourage you to stay away from anything surrounding your body, because our bodies do not determine our worth or success. I wouldn’t include that since it can lead to obsessive or disordered thoughts (read more about that, here).

Use this journal to look back at and work with when you’re thinking of your higher self.

3. Manifest your future

I love manifesting my future. Grab your journal again and speak your future into existence in the present moment.

Let’s say for example that you really want to get a certain job next year. Write down how much you love that job, how you get to that job, and all the good things it brings into your life in the present moment. No future tense!

When you write down your goals as if they’re actually happening now, the universe will pick up on that and bring it to you. Our energy is powerful.

I hope that you have a better understanding of what your higher self is, and how to unlock it. Start showing up for yourself today and build your dream life.


Mary Weiss

My name is Mary and I am a senior at Drexel University studying nutrition. I am a lover of all foods, Certified Barre Instructor and yoga-fanatic. I created this page to share healthy and easy recipe ideas for anyone. Anyone can benefit from these recipes, from college students, to children, to those with dietary restrictions. I hope you enjoy!