Study tips

Top 12 Study Tips: How I Get Straight A’s

I’m not sure how I feel about saying this, but I kind of enjoy studying. Am I a nerd yet?! Maybe not, I’ve just got some pretty good study tips.

Throughout my college career as a nutrition major in some pretty intense science classes, I’ve picked up my fair share of study tips. In the past two years, I’ve made straight A’s which is absolutely INSANE.

If you want to know my tips and secrets to getting straight A’s and studying effectively & efficiently, keep reading!

Study tips

12 Study Tips to Get Straight A’s

1. Time block

I’ve talked about time blocking in my productivity blog, but it really does work. I first heard about it on the Skinny Confidential Podcast, but pretty much it’s blocking out 15-30 minute periods of time where you just WORK, take a short break, and repeat.

No phones, no distractions. I’ve found that 20 minutes is a sweet spot for me. You can do anything for 20 minutes! You will be amazed at how much you can study and accomplish in 20 minutes.

2. Plan the nitty-gritty

If you’re planning out what days you’re going to study, do not just write “study” in your planner. Which chapter are you going to study? How long are you going to study? Are you just going to study your notes or make an outline?

GET SPECIFIC. I will write down which chapter I want to study, how I want to study it, and for how long. This makes studying a lot less overwhelming and way more manageable.

3. Quizlet is life

I’m a huge Quizlet fan. I will usually make a separate Quizlet for each chapter on a test, which I think is key.

For example, I just had an exam on the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, & K). Instead of making one giant Quizlet that would make me feel overwhelmed, I made one for each. That way you can break up the studying and really hone in on the specific topics.

4. Start early

I cannot emphasize this enough. I will start studying a minimum of one week before the exam. In a perfect world, I would start a week and a half or two weeks before.

The reason being is so that I can break up the material into small bits each day. I cannot cram study. That’s just not how my brain works. I need to do small bits each day to fully understand and digest the material.

If you’re the same way, start early so that way you have enough time for all of the material and aren’t stressed out of your mind the night before.


5. Know how you study best

There are tons of study methods out there. Maybe it’s rewriting the notes, highlighting keywords, cramming the night before, or having group study sessions.

For me, I like to study by myself through PowerPoint’s and Quizlet’s. I don’t do well in study groups, because they end up just confusing me more sometimes.

Of course, there are exceptions to this, but for the most part, I do my best studying on my own. Find which method works for you and run with it.

6. Talk & draw it out

Even though I prefer studying by myself, I still like to talk it out. Sometimes I will literally be talking to myself…no shame.

It’s crazy how sometimes things make sense in your head, but when you need to explain it to someone, the concept just goes out the window. Talking or drawing things out really helps to solidify the information and allows you to see if you actually know it.

If you don’t even know how to draw something out, I definitely recommend Khan Academy on Youtube. They’ve gotten me through many classes!

7. Have an organized space

Trying to study in a disorganized area is like trying to ride a bike with flat wheels. You’re not going to get anywhere.

I have a whole post about my tips for keeping a clean & organized space, but it really is so important. Having a clear space will clear your mind and welcome information in.

When you’re already starting in a cluttered space, you’re just asking for your mind to become cluttered, too.

8. Fuel your mind and body

Your brain needs fuel! Did you know that your brain relies primarily on glucose for energy, which comes from CARBS!? More on that, here.

It’s so important to keep your mind and body fueled properly to keep you going and make the most of your study session. Some great brain foods are fatty fish, berries, dark chocolate, and nuts. Honestly, any food that you feel energized by is perfect.

Smoothie bowl

9. Breaks are just as important

Please, do not try and study for 10 hours a day with zero breaks. Breaks can be just as important as studying itself.

Every hour or so, I like to get up, walk around, maybe get a snack, and check my phone. It could also be great to do some joyful movement, go for a walk, or just watch an episode of your favorite show. You’ll be recharged and ready for the next time you’re going to study.

10. Mnemonic devices

I’m a huge fan of mnemonic devices. Coming up with witty acronyms to remember concepts is GENIUS.

One of my favorite ones my teacher taught us was to remember the essential amino acids…”PVT TIM HALL.” This stands for each of the essential amino acids, and made my life so much easier!

11. Find the time that works best for you

Some people are most productive in the morning, while some are most productive at night (more on that, here). I personally enjoy studying in the beginning or middle of the day.

I know that if I try to study at 10:00 at night, my brain is just not functioning right. Find what time works best for you and make the most of it. Don’t force yourself to wake up at 7:00 am to study if you’re not a morning person.

12. Trust yourself

I had to add this to the list! You need to trust yourself. I usually won’t study too hard the night before an exam or even the day of. Let’s be honest, if you don’t know the material right before the exam, you’re not going to know it.

If you start early and truly understand the material, you’re going to know it. Trust yourself, get adequate rest, and don’t freak yourself out.


I hope that these tips are helpful and help you make the most of your studying! Remember to study hard, give yourself breaks, and to have grace with yourself.


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