Tips for Getting Over a Hangover

First, I want to give a disclaimer that I am 23 years old. I’m not encouraging anyone under the legal age to consume alcohol or get a hangover, so if that’s you…maybe skip this one.

Now for my “adult” friends. I’m sure we can all relate to drinking a bit too much one night, and totally regretting it the next day. I’ve been there, and I’m going to share my best tips for getting over a hangover that work!



This may seem like a given, but it’s definitely a necessity. I went through a phase in my life where I never allowed myself to rest…like ever (read How to Slow Down, here). I would try and push past every illness, hangover, etc, just so I could workout or do something else “productive.”

When you’re hungover and your body is asking for rest, it’s in your best interest to do just that. If you’re drinking and hungover every weekend or multiple times per week, then maybe I would look into that and the why behind that. Check out this post to see if you can still drink and be healthy where I touch on this more.

Bottom line, listen to your body! Don’t force yourself to go to the gym or try and accomplish a million and one things if you’re hungover and just not feeling it.

2. Hydrate

Another tip that may seem like a given. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it can dehydrate your body. If you really want to prevent a hangover, I recommend drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you consume. Honestly, I think that’s a great tip, but super unrealistic. If you can do that, more power to you! But, if you’re like me and forget about that, I totally get it.

Something I like to do before I go out and know that I’ll be drinking is to set up a full water bottle in my room before I even leave. This makes it so simple to come home and have a bunch of water ready to go that you don’t need to think about. Try and drink as much water as possible that night, as well as in the morning when you wake up. It’s tough, but it works! Another personal favorite of mine is coconut water…so good.

3. Eat

Personally, when I’m hungover, I have absolutely no appetite. I’m really not hungover often, BUT when I am, this is always the case. I usually go a day where I don’t eat nearly enough because nothing sounds good.

Even if our body isn’t physically hungry, it still needs energy. Think of bland and easy to digest foods for this. I wouldn’t recommend going out to brunch and getting a huge burrito with tons of flavors.

My go-to is pretty basic…yup you guessed it, a bagel. Bagels are great because they could be pretty bland, and contain carbohydrates that are quick and easy to digest. Bananas are another great option because they’re high in potassium, which your body loses when drinking alcohol.


4. Sunshine

Sunshine makes everything better! Nothing can beat some good old vitamin D to the skin. You don’t even have to go outside to reap the benefits of sunshine. Just opening your blinds and windows are great.

Some people get piercing headaches, and can’t bear the thought of sunlight. Personally, this works really well for me, but everyone is going to be different. Find what works for you!

5. Go for a walk

If you’re digging the sunshine and want to take it a step further, try going for a nice nature walk. I know I said to rest, and that absolutely still applies here. If you’re body is telling you that it needs to stay in bed, listen to it. If the thought of getting outside sounds nice, give it a try.

Just a quick and gentle walk helps me feel a lot better if I’m not feeling so hot. The walk feels even better if you have a destination in mind, like to the bagel shop!

6. Take a GOOD shower

This seems to always do the trick for me. Even if you’re not hungover but don’t feel well, a shower always will feel good. I love taking a nice hot shower at night to relax my body. This could also be great to do in the morning to wake you up a bit.

Something about being clean right out of the shower just makes you feel more put together. Even if it doesn’t make you feel physically better, I bet that you’ll feel better mentally afterward.

7. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is a wonderful essential oil for stomach cramps or nausea. If I’m ever experiencing stomach pain from a hangover or anything else, peppermint oil is a go-to. I like to get some coconut oil, add a few drops of peppermint oil to it, then rub that on my stomach.

You could also diffuse some peppermint oil while you’re showering, or around your house. Just try smelling it if you can handle it!

8. Move on

The great thing about a hangover is that they’re temporary. I know that in the moment they seem like the worst thing in the world, but I promise that it will get better. Don’t beat yourself up for how you’re feeling.

If you’re worried about your food or physical activity, it’s going to be okay. Take the time to rest that your body deserves. Alcohol can fit into a healthy and fun lifestyle. It doesn’t need to be all or nothing. Rest, move on, and know that you’re going to be just fine.


Mary Weiss

My name is Mary and I am a senior at Drexel University studying nutrition. I am a lover of all foods, Certified Barre Instructor and yoga-fanatic. I created this page to share healthy and easy recipe ideas for anyone. Anyone can benefit from these recipes, from college students, to children, to those with dietary restrictions. I hope you enjoy!